Nine months after its announcement by Capcom, the fifth official game of the Ace Attorney series makes another appearance, showing us more about what the game will bring to the table.
Finally, after nine months of silence, Rockstar Games publishes three screenshots for their upcoming game, GTA V.
A long-awaited sequel as a real platform release, a mobile phone release, or an entirely different game: which one of these will a countdown from Square Enix lead us to?
Nintendo is going to give rise to what many have imagined to be impossible in video game consoles with their approaching Wii U.
Looks like it’s happening: A Comeback to Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series for the Sony PlayStation 3. Will it be a big hit? Read on to find out!
Who was the winner of the tough SoCal Regional 2011 event? Read more to find out!
Within a demo video shown by Bethesda Game Studios, we see the use of a new engine that renders this game to amazing detail.
Sony has finally reopened the PlayStation store with special offers for current PSN members. Read on to learn what you can obtain!
Fallout: New Vega‘s very first DLC has finally arrived to the PS3 and PC.